Today, modern civilization sits at the top of the mountain after conquering so much but, in doing so, we have left ourselves vulnerable to the chronic diseases of the same modernity - obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancers, and Alzheimer’s disease. These diseases make up the bulk of the powers that reduce quality of life and lead to death today.
You cannot beat these diseases by playing whack-a-mole or by going to battle with them two years before they’re about to take your life. If you want a chance against them, you have to be willing to go to battle with them decades earlier.
To be clear, this is not about living forever or even to 150.
This is about delaying the onset of these diseases by even a decade and improving the quality of our lives both at present and during the last decade of our lives.
You cannot do this with one supplement, one juice, one superfood, one anything. This comes through assimilating several pieces of relevant information and implementing them in a manner that is personalized to your risks and objectives while still enjoying this ride called life. This is not easy but these diseases are more difficult. They will drain you mentally, emotionally, physically, financially. To me, the choice is clear. This is what I help my patients with but I can only help so many in person. To help more and more people take charge of their own lives, we built Thumos Care.
The science is clear.
If you understand and keep track of evidence-based blood and non-blood biomarkers…
If you understand and keep track of your cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle quality, and bone density…
If you understand and keep track of age- and risk-appropriate cancer screenings…
Then take a hard look at your habits, diet, physical activity, and sleep to ascertain where optimization is needed and then implement them one by one, small steps at a time…
Take help from life-saving prescribed medications and procedures if you qualify…
Get to know your mind, manage your emotions, and reflect on what you need to do to fully realize the potential of your consciousness…
You’ll get there.
Thumos Care will show you where you are, where you are going, where you could be going, and how to get there. But it will not do the work for you. Nobody can do that for you. Nobody is coming to save you. You have to do the work for yourself and those you love and care about.
Next week, I will talk about what biomarkers you need to understand and keep track of.